Additional support for patients

If you feel anxious about attending cervical screening or would like to be more informed about the process, you can use this information to help decide whether to attend and to how to plan for your screening appointment. 

Cervical Screening: Support for people who find it hard to attend
Guidance to support people who find it hard to attend cervical screening due to a mental health condition, previous traumatic experience or sexual and/or domestic abuse.
An easy guide to cervical screening
Cervical Screening: Extra support checklist
Cervical Screening: Leaflet for women and people with a cervix considering screening  “Helping you Decide” (multiple languages)
Cervical Screening: Having a Colposcopy (multiple languages)
Cervical screening for lesbian and bisexual women
NHS Population Screening: Information for trans and non-binary people
Support for people with vulval pain
Cervical Screening information (NHS)

Requesting alternative format for leaflets and letters

Should you require the screening leaflets, Helping You Decide and Having a Colposcopy, or letters in an accessible format please e-mail or call 0300 311 22 33.

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