CSAS offer general support/instructions to GPs and Primary Care organisations for submitting a Cease, Defer or Reinstate request.
Submit a Cease or Defer request
Via the Prior Notification List (PNL) on CSMS
To avoid unwanted invitations being sent, GP practices should submit Cease and Deferral notifications to CSAS via their PNL.
If the patient is not due on a PNL, practices should submit the relevant cease or defer form.
Requirements for submitting a Cease or Defer request
GP Practices can cease or defer screening in accordance with national guidance on ceasing or deferring.
Submit a Reinstate request
To reinstate a patient into the programme at any time or follow up on a request to reinstate:
Document templates
Required document templates for use with Cease, Defer or Reinstate requests. These documents are locked and allow specific fields only to be edited to ensure they remain standardised across the service.
- Ceasing from the Cervical Screening Programme
- Ceasing from the Cervical Screening Programme – Mental Capacity Act (MCA)
- Informed Consent for withdrawal from the Cervical Screening Programme – This form should be completed once the helping you decide leaflet has been read by the patient and they still wish to withdraw from the programme.
- Reinstate into Cervical Screening Programme
- Cervical Screening Programme Deferral
Managing incidents
If a safety incident occurs within your practice, follow the guidance as set out in Managing safety incidents in NHS screening programmes – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
General enquiries
You can also submit the following general enquiries:
Best practice and further information
- Specific information for GPs and primary care
- Information for sample takers
- Main contacts and new starters